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Showing posts from September, 2015

How to solve video memory management internal Error in window 10.

In Microsoft windows OS there are several errors occurs related to video memory or in other words problems related to graphics problems. We are talking about following error of windows 10: Video_Memory_Management_Internal while playing latest games on windows pc this error will often pop up. There are no exact solution available over the internet. This blue screen error will seen mostly while exit or close the game. In my case when i close the game after playing windows crashes every time. There is no any technical reason to overcome this situation. So as suggested on Microsoft website i tried to understand the dump file but nothing has been noticeable. These error has been seen in Intel i7-4790 processor with following games: Dayz and dieing light.   Ware face. Battle field. Sniper Elite III. watch dogs. And more... There might be following problems in your PC. Installed older or outdated Windows 10 insider preview. Older or corrupted drivers. O...

How to Give H3 tag for home page title links and H1 to individual post title in blogger

Are you curious about blogger modification and enhancement at hard level? If yes then most probable reason should be to improve SEO score. There are so many methods and philosophy available over the internet, but out of them it's hard to find which one will actual affects our blog. Read more about:  How to implement full SEO on your blog For blogger user first you need to improve basic title of individual post. By default blogger will include your blog name to all individual posts. That will cause some problem on over all rank of your site. And other most important thing to improve is giving H1 tag to post title , and normal/no tag to  your blog title. By default blog name is assigned as H1 and post title as H2. Generally Home pages have recent updated posts list. That will notify users about new updated contents. But all those links are by default H1, Thus it will affect on seo because as per google webmaster guide lines A webpage should not contain multiple or r...