Starting in 1986, psychologist Terri Orbuch, author of the recent book Finding Love Again, followed the lives of 373 married couples. More than two decades later, nearly half of them have split up. The good news? What they learnt during their divorces may help other couples stay together, says Orbuch. Here are top four takeaways.
"Divorced people open up about their biggest regrets"
1.Show your care
Fifteen percent of the divorced people said they regret not giving their spouse more affection. "You have to show your partner how you feel," says Orbuch.
2.Talk about money
Nearly half of the divorced individuals said they fought over money in their past relationship. "Talk money often - not just at tax time or when bills come along," Orbuch says.
3.Let the past go
Divorced people "realized that jealousy can eat away at the happiness in the relationship," says Orbuch. One way to let go of feelings for an old flame: Write but don't send a letter to him or her explaining your feelings.
4.Express yourself
Forty-one percent of divorced individuals say they wish they had communicated better. Says Orbuch, "Many people regretted not asking more questions and not revealing more about themselves."
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