While working on Pc or laptops with fresh Windows installation you might be get some unknown errors which may you don't know how to solve it.Most of the errors occurs because of Device drivers or software components might not be properly installed or configured .Some of the problem in window s 8 or Window s 10 discussed below. Blender, Solid works and other graphic software not opening in window 10. It has been noticed that some kind of graphics related softwares are not properly launching in window 8 or 10. Following two cases may be happen while launching it. Just cmd/black screen will open with some error and immediately disappears. Stuck on Software logo middle of the screen for infinite time! If any one of the above cases applicable to your problem then there must be error with some Access violation . If you noticed then you can see this error same as shown in below image but it will immediately disappears before we read! One possible way to solve...
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