Whenever you read any article from News papers and magazines probably you found that there was one letter that always Bigger then other.and two three line ware wrapped around that large letter.Technically its called as Drop Caps .I hope you are finding for make first letter big in your Blogger or WordPress blog post. Here i m going to show you a little Css trick to make first letter large in your own blog post.This trick is only for blogger.com . First go to Template >> EDIT Html >> Then press ALT+F key and find ]]></b:skin>. Then copy and past blow code as shown in Image .Click save!! .post-body:first-letter { float:left; color: #000000; background:#ffffff; line-height:80px; padding-top:1px; padding-right:5px; font-family:times; font-size:100px; } Now after saving changes it must be look like this: Pros and Cons for using Drop caps in your blog...
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