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Showing posts with the label computer-tips-tricks

How to delete Internet Explorer history

Internet Explorer is free and built in with your windows. Internet explorer not so good as compare to other popular browser but it can be useful if you have recently installed new OS . Previous version's performance was not as accepted, there were so many issues,bugs. Now on window 7 or 8 the latest version of internet explorer provided with new purchased PC/Laptop.And for old there are new update available called as IE11 .And this IE10 or IE11 provides new web browsing experience.And of course it is much faster then previews one. One thing you have noticed that there is no option for clearing web history that you recently browsed. This web history creates offline Catch/Data that will takes some space of your hard disk every time every day.And this will cause your computer slower. You can remove it and clean your computer manually with following easy step. Remove Internet Explorer History manually [Notice: This trick is works only for new version IE10 and I...

What is Hardware and Software in your computer?

If you heard about this word computer then you might be interested about what is inside the computer.Let me explain ,Computer is numeric control machine  based on 0's and 1's.Computer consist two major parts that is Hardware and software. Hardware: As name suggest it is the group of some hard wires and circuits including RAM,Hard disk,fans,power unit SMPS etc.In other words it consist all physical elements of computer. Different parts: Keyboard,Mouse,Display There are the physical elements of computer prefers as Input and output devices.where keyboard and mouse is Input device and your LED/LCD Display and printer is output devices. Hardware|Image source Motherboard The Motherboard is main component of your pc that includes all the circuitry.It is the square circuit board that connected the RAM,Hard disk,CD/DVD driver etc. Software: According to Wikipedia Computer software, or simply software, also known as computer programs , is the non...

Circuit design.

The process of circuit design can cover systems ranging from national power grids all the way down to the individual transistors within an integrated circuit.For simple circuits the design process can often be done by one person without needing a planed or structured design process, but for more complex designs, teams of designers following a systematic approach with intelligently guided computer simulation are becoming increasingly common. As circuit design is the process of working out the physical form that an electronic circuit will take, the result of the circuit design process is the instructions on how to construct the physical electronic circuit. This will normally take the form of blueprints describing the size, shape, connectors, etc in use, and artwork or CAM file for manufacturing a printed circuit board or Integrated circuit.

Advanced Shellcoding Techniques

Introduction This paper assumes a working knowledge of basic shellcoding techniques, and x86 assembly, I will not rehash these in this paper.  I hope to teach you some of the lesser known shellcoding techniques that I have picked up, which will allow you to write smaller and better shellcodes.  I do not claim to have invented any of these techniques, except for the one that uses the div instruction. The multiplicity of mul This technique was originally developed by Sorbo of  The mul instruction may, on the surface, seem mundane, and it's purpose obvious.  However, when faced with the difficult challenge of shrinking your shellcode, it proves to be quite useful.  First some background information on the mul instruction itself. mul performs an unsigned multiply of two integers.  It takes only one operand, the other is implicitly specified by the %eax register.  So, a  common mul instruction might look something like this...

Get all your serials

Get all your serials YouSerials is a search engine for software serials. The idea is to have a backup of all software registration numbers that we use. Each serial key can be voted on by other users, increasing or decreasing its reputation based on its authenticity. It’s also useful if your Operating system had crashed and you need a reinstall but don’t have all the serials stored or are lost.

Speed up XP

**Speed up XP** To disable unneeded startup services for a safer, faster XP, use the "Services" Admin Tool (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). If you are a single user of a non-networked machine, you can disable the following items, with no ill effect. Alerter Clipbook Computer Browser Fast User Switching Human Interface Access Devices Indexing Service (Slows the hard drive down) M essenger Net Logon (unnecessary unless networked on a Domain) Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security) Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security) Remote Procedure Call Locator Remote Registry (disabled for extra security) Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security) Server SSDP Discovery Service (this is for the utterly pointless "Universal P'n'P", & leaves TCP Port 5000 wide open) TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Telnet (disabled for extra security) Universal Plug and Play Device Host U...

Recover forgotten BIOS password

Have you ever been locked out of an old computer by a forgotten BIOS password? There's no need to get frustrated. It is relatively easy to bypass this safeguard.?? Desktop 1 Power off the computer and make sure that it is unplugged. 2 Open up your computer case. You need physical access to the motherboard to complete this procedure. 3 Find a circular, (mostly) silver metallic object on the motherboard. Find a circular, (mostly) silver metallic object on the motherboard. This is the CMOS battery. 4 CAREFULLY remove the CMOS battery, avoid touching it with your fingers, and leave it out for about 120 seconds. This will flush the CMOS memory which stores the BIOS password and all other configuration. (See Warnings) 5 Set the battery back into place and power on the computer. 6 The computer should then warn you that the CMOS configuration could not be found. You can either reconfigure it yourself or restore defaults. Restoring the default configuration should be fine. ...